
May 2024


It is absolutely important to take OurSys Database backup. It takes only a couple of minutes to do so.
Using your Admin password, go to Masters under System Health Section, click on Database Backup.
OurSys will quickly create a backup file, zip it and show you in the list. You must ideally then download it by clicking the Download file icon and store it on your local hardware.

Did you know?

In OurSys, you can control the period for which a dashboard is being shown.

You can change the periods to suit your business so as to make the dashboards more meaningful.

Go to Masters, Under Basic Masters, click on 'Dashboard Element Limit Setup' and change the periods as required and click 'Configure' button.

Understanding Reports

Report Name Production Load Estimation
Where to find it Under Production under the Reports section
Who should use this Works Manager, Production Managers and Supervisors
What frequency to check: Daily as required
Filters for the report This report can be filtered by Item, Process wise, Shop, Item Category, Planned Start dates of Job orders and many more filters

Screenshot of the Report

This report can be filtered in various ways as shown below.

Information in the report & how to use it:

  • This report shows items and corresponding quantities waiting for various processes. Thus it indicates the total load for the process.
  • This report can also be generated Machine type wise, thus indicating load waiting at each type of machine.
  • This information is useful for scheduling as planned completion dates for each job order are also visible.
  • It also helps to decide whether an extra shift will be required or whether to outsource in case of delays.
  • It serves to identify the bottleneck process. The process with maximum load hours is the bottleneck process. Supervisors and managers can take steps to relieve this bottleneck thereby increasing the overall throughput.


  • We are looking for Associates to sell OurSys ERP in various regions and industries. Do let us know if you know any interested parties.
  • OurSys ERP prices have been revised from April 2024.
  • Service Timings: We attend your services between 10 am. and 6 pm on Monday to Fridays. On 2nd,4th & 5th Saturdays support is available as usual as our full team is present. But on 1st and 3rd Saturdays, limited support is available as programmers and design team are not available.

What's new

  • Email feature added to Outsourcing Despatch
    You can now send Outsourcing Delivery Note (Challan) by email to your supplier. The pdf file of Outsourcing Delivery Note (Challan) will be attached in the email.
  • MRP enhanced
    MRP now takes care of multiple locations. You can select a location while running the MRP.
  • Day Book in Accounts has been enhanced
    You can now see who entered the voucher and when in the Day Book report.
  • Bank Reconciliation enhanced
    We are restricting deletion of vouchers whose Bank Reconciliation has been completed.


An article on 'Ideal Process of Handling Drawing Revisions'

This article explains the best practice to handle 'Drawing Revisions'. We will explore the relation between Stock Item No, Drawing No and it's Revisions and Customer's Part Nos. if any.

Read the full article

Case Study

On Cashflow Projection Report

Customer Introduction:
This company is a leading manufacturer of marine valves and fittings.

Problem / Goal:
Cashflow management is key to the health of any company. Typical cash-flows include payables and receivables based on the sales vouchers and purchase vouchers. But committed cash-flows such as purchase orders and sales orders are not considered. Thus one had to work out these projections manually. Manual method was time consuming and subject to manual mistakes.

The Solution:
We designed and developed a Cash-flow Projection Report which takes care of even purchase orders and sales orders. The report is a timeline of inward and outward cash-flow along with the net cash-flow. We also provided users to add indirect incomes and other expenses on a month by month basis.

The Result / Benefits:
This has saved time of preparing such a report and also increased the reliability of the figures as manual skill is not required.

This feature is useful for all types of companies and is not limited to valves and fittings.


The intention of this newsletter is to make our customers aware of the features of OurSys and help them to utilise OurSys to the fullest. We would like to have your feedback on how we can further improve this effort.

Please click here to give us your feedback.