
September 2023


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More the awareness about OurSys, more will be the benefit.

Did you know?

OurSys has two modes to display the content on the screen. 'Comfortable' and 'Compact'

'Comfortable' is the default and 'Compact' will accomodate more data on the screen at a time.

This setting is available under the section which opens on clicking your login icon on the top right side of the screen.

It is called 'Display Density'. Try out the other settings available there as well.

Understanding Reports

Report Name Accounts Exception Report
Where to find it Click on "Accounts" and you will find this report under the 'Audit Trail' section.
Who should use this Accountants, Finance, Management & Auditors
What frequency to check: Daily for Accountants & Weekly for Accounts head
Filters for the report There are no filters for this report. You will see all the discrepancies in one go

Screenshot of the Report

Information in the report & how to use it:

  • This report is arranged in the form of dashboard and indicates various discrepancies such as incomplete voucher entry, Opening balance difference, potential errors in data entry or unusual number of decimals.
  • Please note that 'Untallied vouchers' are not considered in accounting and therefore do not reflect in balance sheet, trial balance, profit and loss statement etc.

This report helps to ensure that the data entry is mistake proof.


  • You can access all previous Newsletters at
  • OurSys support will now be available on all Saturdays. Earlier support was not available on the first and third Saturday.

What's new

  • Notifications can be marked as 'Read'
    Users can now mark individual notifications as read just like emails.
  • New event added to notify Design department on Sales Order generation
    Now design department can be auto notified whenever a new Sales Order is booked. This will get the design team acting on the design immediately thereby saving time.
  • All valid quotations of Suppliers made visible while making Purchase Orders
    OurSys now shows all valid quotations of suppliers in the Insights section while making a Purchase Order. This will help purchase officers to buy at the right rate and also save their time to search for valid quotations.
  • Feature to decide print sequence of parameters in Inspection
    Sometimes customers wish to get inspection report in a particular order of inspection parameters. Now this sequence can be set and will not depend on the sequence it was entered in the master.


Cutting down Inventory carrying cost

Managing Inventory is a sophisticated process for manufacturing companies. If enough attention is not paid to this, it will have negative effect on both profit and cashflow.

Here we have put together how OurSys helps you to follow the scientific best practices in inventory management. Each point below has potential to save your inventory costs in a big big way.

Read the full article

Case Study

Digital Signature using OurSys ERP

Customer Introduction:
This company manufactures pharma & lab equipments. They sell equipments and spares and about 200 to 300 invoices are generated everyday.

Problem / Goal:
This company required to sign the invoices digitally. Since OurSys is a browser based system, the user had to download each invoice as a pdf and then sign the invoice digitally. Since the number of invoices is high, this was extremely time consuming.

The Solution:
We developed a separate software called the 'iSign' for this purpose.

iSign is installed on the user machine and it can access the digital signature pendrive (DSC) and communicate with OurSys server.

The Result / Benefits:
Now the users were able to digitally sign hundreds of documents smoothly and quickly.

This feature can be used to digitally sign any documents such as Purchase Orders, Quotations, Invoices etc from OurSys ERP


The intention of this newsletter is to make our customers aware of the features of OurSys and help them to utilise OurSys to the fullest. We would like to have your feedback on how we can further improve this effort.

Please click here to give us your feedback.