
July 2023


of the ways to check, whether the data entry is happening correctly, is through the dashboard. In case a dashboard shows an absurd figure, it is an indication of incorrect or incomplete data entry.
The best way to correct the situation is to mark such dashboards as favourites and ask the concerned department to correct it.
You can then monitor the progress of correction through the dashboard. Data will get corrected quickly and OurSys will become lot more productive, informative & directive for your company

Did you know?

You can set the Home page by marking both numeric dashboards & graphical dashboards as favourites. These will show up in the home page.

It is very important for the top management to review the dashboard figures. It will bring in a sense of urgency and improve overall throughput of the company.

Momenta News

  • OurSys now has a dedicated role in handling Functional Design.
    OurSys is a huge comprehensive software covering all the modules. It is being used by a wide variety of industries. The challenge is to have unique features for each industry without sacrificing the speed of processing and simplicity. Our functional designer studies the design indepth and carefully expands OurSys continually catering to various scenarios as they come up.
  • OurSys Sales Team
    OurSys did not have sales team until now. But we now have a 4 member sales team under an experienced Sales Manager. We hope this will improve our visibility in the market. Industry will know that an Indian ERP, OurSys exists, which is competing with the best in the world.
  • Development Planning & QC process started
    We now have a dedicated role for planning & QC for development work. We started this process for the last version and the results were encouraging. We could not only finish what was planned but also did some features over and above the plan. We will further refine the process and hope to develop even more with better quality in the next version.

What's new

  • The MasterBot feature of OurSys is a novel feature where you can speak to OurSys and get answers in reply. As of now we have limited questions, but this library will grow bigger and smarter.

  • Seamless Digital Signature for all the documents
    We were able to develop Digital Signature integration for OurSys. This was a big challenge as OurSys is a browser-based software. We are happy that our customers can now quickly sign hundreds of documents directly through OurSys.
  • Service Module has been totally transformed.
    Our Service Module now covers all the features from Warranty & AMC handling, service handling, spare part management, visits & expenses and works for multiple service regions & offices. Three companies have got the beta version.
  • Version 23.22 released.
    Beta version 23.22 has been released. General release is scheduled for 15th June 2023. It comes with lot of new features.
    See Release Notes.


Reducing Delivery Lead Time

The best way to please a customer is to deliver the goods in time. Delivering in time has multiple other benefits as well.

Benefits of delivering quickly?
  • Lesser Working Capital
  • Higher Throughput
  • Customer Satisfaction / Rating
  • Lesser Inventory
  • Better Cash flow
  • Competitive Edge
  • Premium pricing opportunity

There is a strategy to be deployed in order to deliver quickly. It's a game of proper synchronisation. But depending upon the nature of business, the strategy to deliver quickly varies.

Each department has a role to play in the strategy to deliver quickly. In this article we will discuss how Purchase department can contribute towards faster deliveries and how to make optimum use of OurSys ERP for the same.

Let us discuss two extreme scenarios. The Make-to-Order scenario and the Ancillary Scenario.

Read the full article

Case Study

Production capture with multiple UoM

Customer Introduction:
A leading french company in metal packaging, with factory in Udupi, have chosen OurSys ERP for their operations. They manufacture closures, cans, aerosol cans, industrial packaging and decorated & personalised tin boxes.

Problem / Goal:
The production figures for the first few operations are in "sheets" whereas later it is in "pieces". Initially OurSys did not have the provision to capture production in different units of measurement (UoM).

The Solution:
We provided a feature to define UoM and it's conversion factor for each process in the process layout.

For example we defined "sheets" as the UoM for "Coating" process and defined 1 sheet = 20 nos. of finished product. We then provided to capture production in terms of "sheets" and converted automatically to it's default UoM, "pieces".

The Result / Benefits:
Now it is not required to split the job order if the UoM changed. After this feature, a huge amount of data entry has been saved.

This solution also fits the scenario where the weight of the job varies for every process and there are multiple outsourced operations which are billed in terms of weight.

At OurSys we stretch our limits everyday to provide such solutions to our customers.


The intention of this newsletter is to make our customers aware of the features of OurSys and help them to utilise OurSys to the fullest. We would like to have your feedback on how we can further improve this effort.

Please click here to give us your feedback.