
April 2024


The best way to assign user access rights is by using User Profile.
User profile is a set of links which acts like a template for quick assignment of user permissions.
User profiles can be created for each role in the organisation. Whenever there is a new user, the rights for the user can be quickly copied from the user profile.

Did you know?

Did you know that with OurSys ERP, you can configure different email addresses for sending different auto emails.

For example, you may use to send Quotations and to send invoices.

This Email configuration is available under the Configuration section of the Masters menu.

Understanding Reports

Report Name PR Stage wise Waiting time Report
Where to find it Under MIS under the Purchase section
Who should use this Purchase and Works Manager
What frequency to check: Once a month
Filters for the report This report can be filtered by stage of purchasing, balance PR Quantity condition and between PR dates.

Screenshot of the Report

This report can be filtered in various ways as shown below.

Information in the report & how to use it:

  • This report shows PR wise - PR dates, PR approval dates, PO Dates, GRN Dates, Inspection dates and total waiting days.
  • This helps you to identify the stage where major delays are happening so as to take corrective actions


  • 1. We are looking for Associates to sell OurSys ERP in various regions and industries. Do let us know if you know any interested parties.
  • 2. OurSys ERP prices have been revised from April 2024.

What's new

  • Notification option has been added to Inter Process Inspection
    Once the inspection is complete, the production department can now be notified so that they can continue with the next process.
  • Remark field added in the Material Issuing screen for Stores.
    Store keeper will be able to add remarks regarding the material being issued for his/her own record.
  • Filtering Material Issue Report by Job Order, ItemNo and Description
    This will help to quickly list out material issued to a particular Job Order or to list out issue records of a particular item.
  • Identification of Individual Parts during Production and Inspection
    You can now automatically generate Piece Nos while generating a Job Order. You can then tag these identity numbers to inspections.


An article 'Project based Manufacturing using OurSys ERP'

This articles explains some of the features of OurSys which are useful for companies which have project management as an important function for executing Sales Orders.

Read the full article

Case Study

On Quick Short-Closing old unwanted Open Documents

Customer Introduction:
This company is a leading manufacturer of valves and fittings.

Problem / Goal:
Many a times, there are old Purchase requisitions lying pending in the system but are not required any more. Similary there are Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and Job Orders which are still open but not actually required. This happens either due to negligence or small quantities that remain open. Such old transactions can cause wrong output from the MRP as these documents are part of the pipeline stock. Thus it is important to cleanup all the old clogged data by short-closing such transactions.

The Solution:
OurSys has 4 dashboards, namely, Stale PR, Stale PO, Stale SO and Stale JO which help users to identify suspected old unwanted documents. When you click on them, there is a facility to select all transactions and quickly short close it.

The Result / Benefits:
It is a big time saver and junk data remover tool. It becomes possible to clean old data due to this feature. Thus MRP also runs correctly.

This feature is useful for all types of manufacturing companies and is not limited to valves and fittings.


The intention of this newsletter is to make our customers aware of the features of OurSys and help them to utilise OurSys to the fullest. We would like to have your feedback on how we can further improve this effort.

Please click here to give us your feedback.