
April 2024

Project based Manufacturing using OurSys ERP

This articles explains some of the features of OurSys which are useful for companies which have project management as an important function for executing Sales Orders.

Sales Order as Cost Centre

With OurSys, you can create Cost Centre for

There is a setting in OurSys which creates a distinct Cost Centre for each Sales Order.

All the expense invoices and sales invoices can be booked against this Cost Centre.

OurSys provides for Cost Centre level Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet which is handy in knowing profitability and Net CAsh Flow.

Sales Order wise Bill of Material

For project based orders, generally the design for every order is different and hence the Bill of Material changes for every order.

OurSys allows to create Bill of Material distinctly for every order. You can either copy from master or from a previous order as a starting point and then modify as required.

This method eliminates the need to create different item numbers for different combinations for various orders.

Cost Estimation

If you over quote, you lose the tender and if you under quote it is a loss. Thus it is critical to quote correctly.

With OurSys, you can quickly estimate the cost based on the Sales Order level Bill of Material and then add other costs such as Testing, Packing, Transport, Margin etc.

This estimation also helps to set Purchase Budgets.

Setting Purchase Budget limit for every Sales Order

There is a feature in OurSys to set Purchase Budget to ensure that the purchases are done within the limits.

The systems checks the budget while raising the Purchase Orders and thus is stopped at PO stage itself.

Users with higher access can alter the budget if required.

Project Management for Sales Order line

OurSys allows to open a Project for any order line.

OurSys Project management comes with Planning, Activity Log, Calendars, Project wise effort monitoring and total costs, Gantt Chart and KANBAN Boards to make your Project Management easy.

Customer Interface

Sometimes the customers demand visibility for their order execution. With OurSys ERP, you can provide access to your customer.

Your customers will be able to see the Gantt chart of progress along with milestone activities.

Key Reports

OurSys comes with many reports and dashboards to help you execute your project based orders efficiently.

We have listed above the bigger feature for project based manufacturing. But there are many further settings and features which we set after understanding your requirements in detail.


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