
June 2024 - Newsletter No:13


You can quickly create an Item by using the Copy Item feature of OurSys.
In order to copy, select an existing item which is similar to the new item in the Item master. Then click on the 'Copy' button.
There will be an option whether to copy BOM, Process Layout and Unit of Measurement conversion as well. Once submitted, a new item is created. You can change the details as required for the new item.

Did you know?

You can create a browser shortcut icon for OurSys on mobile phones to quickly open OurSys.

Further if you set the "Keep me logged In" setting as true by moving the slider, OurSys will not ask for a password everytime.

This way, you can smoothly and quickly start using OurSys from your personal phone anytime.

Understanding Reports

Report Name Trend of number of New Customers
Where to find it Under MIS under the Sales section
Who should use this Sales manager and top management
What frequency to check: Monthly for Sales manager and quarterly for top management
Filters for the report This report can be filtered for a period of time, region, sales representative, industry type and associate

Screenshot of the Report

This report can be filtered in various ways as shown below.

In the report, no. of New customers against each month is a clickable link which takes you to the list of new customers added in that month.

Information in the report & how to use it:

  • This report shows the number of new customers added during the selected period.
  • This report gives an idea about new customer acquisitions done by the company. It can be analysed for a particular sales region or for a particular sales person or associate as well.
  • By comparing the report over a longer period such as 5 years, you may be able to see trends. This will help you to work out strategies for the weak periods and cover up the troughs.
  • It can also help you compare one region with the other or one salesperson with the other.
  • Necessary training and strategic changes can be planned to improve the new customer acquisition rate.


  • OurSys version 24.22 has been released.
  • We will be hosting a workshop on June 11th, 2024 from 3:00-4:00 pm to introduce the new OurSys version 24.22 and demonstrate how to effectively use its new features.

    Workshop for New Version 24.22

    Tuesday, 11 June · 3:00 – 4:00 pm
    Google Meet joining info Video call link:

    We kindly request that you register your team members attending the workshop using the following links: Workshop Registration

What's new

  • Menu links are easier to find now
    We have added subsections within the menu blocks to quickly find the right links. Over the last 23 years, number of menu links have significantly gone up. We therefore took this step to help users reach the links instantly.

  • MSME number on Invoice print
    As per the latest regulation of the government, we have added MSME number on the GST Invoice print.

  • Quotation and Sales Order checklist separated
    Now you can have a different set of checklist points for Quotations and Sales Orders.

  • Minimum Order Quantity made visible in Purchase Requisition Approval Screen
    This will help verify whether the quantity of purchase requisition is equal to or more than minimum order quantity


An article on 'Stores Best Practices using OurSys ERP'

This article intends to raise awareness about how a Stores Officer should work using OurSys ERP to ultimately deliver goods faster and improve the company's profitability.

Read the full article

Case Study

OurSys Pairing: OurSys to OurSys Data Transfer

Customer Introduction:
This company is a leading seals & seal-kit manufacturer with factories in two different states of India. For simplicity of operations, the two locations are treated as separate entities and have separate OurSys installations.

Problem / Goal:
The two entities buy and sell goods between each other. When one entity raises a Purchase Order, the other entity has to book a Sales order and when Invoice is raised by one entity, the same data is received by the other and GRN is booked. Thus the same data was being punched by both entities. There was scope to cut this data entry time.

The Solution:
As a part of a bigger vision of OurSys Environment, we developed OurSys pairing feature. With this feature, two companies can 'Pair' their OurSys ERP systems with each other. This is an unique feature of OurSys, first of it's kind in the market.

The Result / Benefits:
After authorised pairing, OurSys ERP can talk to other paired OurSys systems. Thus Purchase Order raised by one entity automatically reflects as a Sales Order in the other entity in real time. Similarly Invoice raised by one entity becomes ASN in the other OurSys. This results in cutting down data entry delay to zero, reduces the data entry effort by 50% with 100% accuracy.

So if your customers or suppliers are using OurSys ERP, get this feature and start taking the advantage of it.

This is just the first feature of OurSys Environment. Many more exciting features are in development which will take advantage of seamless connectivity between different OurSys. In case this triggers any ideas in your mind, please do share with us.


The intention of this newsletter is to make our customers aware of the features of OurSys and help them to utilise OurSys to the fullest. We would like to have your feedback on how we can further improve this effort.

Please click here to give us your feedback.